Saturday, August 19, 2006

Judgment Call

Last night at The Extraordinaires show I was introduced to some guy who'd just moved to Charlottesville to attend Law School. He's been here three days and has somehow already managed to ingratiate himself with the notoriously pretentious? insular? awesome? staff and owner of the Bistro/Ballroom aka my friends.

He told me he'd moved to Virginia from Salt Lake City. Obviously of Middle Eastern descent, I felt free to launch in to some drunken rambling about how I've heard Salt Lake City is great and I've seen pictures that make it look beautiful and I'm told it's really not that bad living with all those Mormons and blah blah blah oh and yeah, my authority on the subject stems from this one blog I read, written by some woman I've never met and don't actually know, who sometimes talks about her experiences in Utah.

Dooce itself didn't ring a bell, but when I described her website a little further there was a hint of recognition in his eyes.

"Oh my god you read that? That's crazy--she totally wrote about me and she's totally a bitch."

And now I am faced with a dilemma. Do I believe the woman I don't know but who I feel like I know, who says he sucks? Or do I believe the guy I don't know but who I suspect I will know if he continues with his current drinking habits, who says she sucks?


Blogger Stanley said...

Law students unacquainted with sarcasm are not to be trusted. Commence hatred in t-minus

11:34 AM  
Blogger AnneChe said...

Hatred commenced!

If what Dooce says is true....uhGOOO!


8:49 PM  

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